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What a Blog

Writing Documentation for the Mind

Literally the instant I graduated college I flew out to Europe to try and walk the entire length of the Alps on foot. I did not succeed (called it quits at the halfway mark), but I did manage to work on several farms, fall in love with cheese, and try my hand at mountaineering along the way. The only regret I have was I didn’t save a damn word I wrote during the trip. A picture may be worth a 1,000 words, but maybe you need at least 1,001 words to get a snapshot of the mind.

I’m now setting out to learn web development at the ripe age of 27. Although I will be carrying out this undertaking almost exclusively sitting down, it’s a journey into the unknown all the same. A good journey deserves to be documented, and that’s what I’m setting out to do with this blog. No promises on any good writing, though ;)